Wednesday, May 29, 2013




   Let’s give it a name.  In deference to the liberal, Democrat penchant for using misnomers in titling legislation to assuage their low information, read-the-headlines-only, proletariat; we shall name this proposed legislation, “The Affordable and Humane Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act”. 

   And further, we will also defer to the same politically correct, liberals’ call to cease using the term, “Illegal Alien” (ostensibly because the term ‘Illegal’ is an adjective and not a noun or a pronoun, therefore should not be used to identify certain people).  Henceforth, we shall refer to people who enter this country without the proper permission as, “Criminal Invaders”.  The term is more accurate, and complies with the use of a noun to describe the person as a “Criminal”.

   We don’t require 2,700 pages of secret sneaka-tax and tyrannical violations of the constitution.  We will keep it simple and straightforward.  It’s okay if the liberals in congress don’t want to read it; they can follow Nancy Pelosi’s pretzel ‘logic’ and pass it to find out what’s in it.

The Affordable and Humane Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act

   A National Citizen Registry shall be established within the purview of the Department of Homeland Security that will verify the validity of citizenship, and issue at no cost to the citizen, a secure National Citizen Photo Identification card and digital registry number to all United States Citizens.  Such a registry shall be held in an electronic database that includes the citizen’s name, digital image, place of birth, date of birth, gender, social security number, national ID number as well as the national ID numbers and Social Security numbers of birth parents, where known, and of adoptive parents.  Additional information to be recorded within the database may include current and historical home addresses, employers, and voting participation (but not which candidate or party the person voted for).  This National Citizen Photo Identification Card and digital registry number, shall be required to be presented by the citizen to which it is issued, to any police officer, prospective employer, or to a bona fide poll worker, at his duly assigned polling station, in order for the citizen to vote in any election.  Read only, secure, DHS digital computer servers shall be distributed in such a manner that access to verification for the purposes of identification by law enforcement, employment, or voting, shall be readily available and such verification shall take place in a timely manner.

   The United States of America shall henceforth establish a policy of reciprocity, whereby any person and/or their progeny, that enters the borders of the United States without properly securing legal permission shall be deemed ‘Criminal Invaders’ and shall bear ‘in-kind’ treatment, relative to the laws and conditions existent in the countries from which the criminal invaders emanate.  Children born to Criminal Invaders while in the United States of America without proper legal permission or authority, shall not be considered citizens of the United States of America.

    Rights afforded to citizens of the United States of America, by virtue of the Constitution of the United States of America, shall NOT be given to any person who is not a citizen of the United States of America, or that willingly enters the borders of the United States of America without the requisite permission and proper documentation.  This shall apply not only to Criminal Invaders, but to enemy combatants captured in battle outside of the boundaries of the United States of America.  There is no way that someone who is fighting to destroy the very nation that hosts these rights for its citizens, should be allowed to enjoy such rights.

   The recent advent of terrorism within the borders of the United States of America, dictates that securing the borders is paramount in establishing a free and safe United States of America.  As important as physical security of our borders is, there is another, even more effective means by which we can slow, or even reverse the flood of Criminal Invaders into the United States.  Make it a serious felony to employ any person without documented proof of U.S. Citizenship.  Make the penalties severe enough that no employer would even consider violating this law. 

   To wit; Any person, corporation, or business employing any person without proof of citizenship; that is, proper documentation such as a valid and verified National Citizens Registry Photo Identification Card, Social Security Card, or Birth Certificate, shall be punishable by a fine of up to 5 times, but not less than 2 times, the amount of the projected annual salary, based on the highest wages paid for any week of such employment multiplied by 52, while under the employ of said business or individual.  In addition, for any additional instances of such violation, the same fine shall apply for each instance, but, in addition, shall carry with it a sentence of not less than 6 months in a federal prison for each such instance, but not to exceed 5 years in the aggregate.  Criminal Invaders that are caught working with false documentation shall face a minimum of 6 months in prison, and then immediately deported.  If criminal invaders have funds, they shall be required to pay for the expenses of prosecution, incarceration, and deportation.  The violating employer shall make up any shortfall in payment of the costs.

   In addition, there will be no funds from any U.S. government based institutions, whether federal, state, or local, allowed to be distributed to Criminal Invaders.  No welfare, no food stamps, no General Assistance.  Nada.  No medical provisions.  No Medicare or Medicaid.  No Emergency Room treatment, without first paying for it.  Any costs associated with the capture, incarceration, and deportation of Criminal Invaders shall be billed first to the Criminal Invader, and any shortfall to their home country.

   With the exception of properly documented foreign students, no person without proper evidence of United States citizenship shall be allowed into public K-12 or post-secondary institutions.  Foreign students must keep their student visas current at all times, and shall certify through their designated educational institution that they are currently enrolled.  Any travel, by foreign students holding U.S. visas, either out of, or into the United States of America, must be logged as well.  Foreign students that fail to keep currently registered, and their whereabouts up to date, are subject to immediate deportation and revocation of student visa.  Children of Criminal Invaders that do not possess proof of U.S. citizenship shall be deported with the adult parent Criminal Invaders.

   If you think these terms and conditions are tough, take a look at the terms and conditions for equal treatment from the countries that the Criminal Invaders emanate.

   By enacting legislation in the spirit of  The Affordable and Humane Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act” as described above, the United States government could quickly, decisively, efficiently and fairly, accomplish effective border security, substantially reduce or eliminate voter fraud, and significantly reduce the threat of terrorist attacks on our homeland.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

How the House can put an end to Obama Administration Corruption


   Barak Hussein Obama, with the help of the minions within his administration, is running roughshod over America, the American people, and the U. S. Constitution.  He is doing so in multi-faceted onslaught.  In fact, there are so many controversial violations of the U.S. Constitution that it is difficult to focus on just one.  What is obvious to me, is that Obama and Company have committed more than enough egregious violations of the constitution, high crimes and misdemeanors, and possibly even treason, to warrant removal from office.  But the unfortunate reality is that while the Democrats control the Senate, they will never vote to convict on impeachment to remove him from office.  We have to look at what practical approach we can take to stop the corruption.

   There is much wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth among the population and in particular and with due cause, the conservatives in this country. In addition, there are many concerned and knowledgeable people in other countries, all around the free world, that worry about the consequences that carry a magnitude of damage so severe that the repercussions will shake the rest of the world to its core as well.

   It is clear that this corruption must be stopped, and the sooner it is stopped the less damage America, and the free world will sustain.  This begs the question of how to go about accomplishing this termination of tyranny without waiting until the only alternative is something akin to what is happening at this time in Syria.  There are several methods that have been designed into the innate genius of the constitution; removal from office by means of impeachment (by the House) and conviction (by the Senate); appointment of a Special Prosecutor; Criminal Prosecution; citation of Criminal Contempt of Congress; or citation of Inherent Contempt of Congress.

   Assigning a Special Prosecutor would be useless, given the corruption from within in the DOJ.  Eric Holder, with Obama’s implicit approval would simply refuse to appoint one, or if he felt compelled for whatever reason, he could and most likely would, simply appoint someone that he would be certain to skew the investigation in favor of Obama and himself.  Besides the amount of time it would take to conclude such an investigation, it would merely serve to take the issue off the table for the investigative period; likely the remaining term, Obama and Holder would be free to ride wild and free to impose as much damage as possible.  It would be an exercise in futility.

   Removal from office by means of impeachment and conviction would, at first blush, seem to be the most favored method of ending the tyranny, dereliction of duty, malfeasance, and abuse of power that is so rampant in the Obama administration.  However given the exigent political climate whereby certain Democrat Senators would never vote to convict Obama, even if they were provided clear, incontrovertible, evidence of Obama committing treason.  Democrats have shown their true colors in the past.  These particular Democrats are apparently so consumed with their greed and lust for power that there is nothing that they wouldn’t do to obtain, or retain it; the welfare of the nation be damned.

   Obama and Company has made it crystal clear that criminal prosecution isn’t going to happen.  Eric Holder actually dropped a case against the hate mongering, weapons wielding, New Black Panther Party members who were caught on video, blatantly and aggressively violating the law by verbally, and physically intimidating white voters in front of a polling station in Philadelphia on voting day 2008.  One of the perpetrators is seen on You Tube publicly spewing vitriolic hate speech declaring his hatred for every iota of white people and his desire to kill all white people, and kill their babies.  Yet, the newly installed Obama administration via Attorney General Eric Holder’s DOJ minions dropped the case AFTER they were already convicted in default!  This is not an honorable administration or Department of Justice, but a corrupt and racist organization apparently bent on racially motivated abuse of white people. The sheer number of criminal wrong doings that have surfaced within this administration that have not only gone unpunished, but in several cases have been rewarded by President Obama and/or Eric Holder is infuriating to say the least.  So, given the evidence of this intrinsic corruption, it is obviously a fool’s errand to try and use the ‘Justice’ system to enforce bona fide criminal charges against anyone in this administration.

  As for relying upon the Judicial Branch to enforce a House citation for Criminal Contempt, Eric Holder was deemed in Criminal Contempt of Congress by the House on June 28, 2012, and a civil lawsuit seeking a declaratory judgment directing Attorney General Eric Holder to comply was filed on August 13, 2012.  The case is still pending in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.  This process is slow, and relies upon the proper participation of the Judicial Branch.

   Fortunately, there is still one arrow in the congressional quiver.  Although, nearly dormant for lack of use (we have not seen corruption so egregious as evident in the current administration that would necessitate its employment), the power to cite for ‘Inherent Contempt of Congress’ is still available and it turns out that it may very well be the tool best suited for the job, at this time.  The application of the citation does not preclude other remedies, such as citation for Criminal Contempt, Criminal prosecution, or the Impeachment process.  Nor, does it interfere with an investigation by a special prosecutor.  The other good news is that the process is held entirely within the House of Representatives, where the Executive Branch, the DOJ, or even the Judiciary can interfere.  Once the citation is determined and made, the Speaker instructs the Sergeant at Arms to arrest the contemnor and he, or she, is tried at the House Bar, and upon conviction, held in jail within the House or elsewhere until the contemnor complies with the requisite subpoena or the term of the congress expires.  If they contemnor refuses to comply during the term, it is possible that another subpoena may be issued at the beginning of a new congress, perhaps in the form of a subpoena duces tecum, and failing compliance, a new and separate charge of Inherent Contempt may be imposed and the contemnor, may find himself, or herself, in jail for a new term.

   No matter what, it is an ugly scenario, but it is only necessary because of the blatant and wanton disregard of the constitution and the rights of the people, by the Obama administration and conspiratorial complicity of the Attorney General, Eric Holder.