Saturday, October 27, 2012



... And he can't deny it.  Barak Obama has severely tarnished the dignity of the office of the President of the United States.  As Americans, we all share that stain.  We might as well have Baghdad Bob addressing the world in his place.  In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Obama has repeatedly lied to the American people, and to the world about what transpired in Benghazi, Libya.

   Richard Nixon resigned his presidency in disgrace for far less than what Barak Obama has done.  Nobody died as a result of the Watergate break-in.  That was merely a botched burglary, but it was the subsequent cover-up, unearthed by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, that was Nixon's undoing.  Whereas, Barak Obama neglected his responsibilities as President, violated his Oath of Office, denied security that led to the deaths of Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith Glen Doherty, and Ambassador Christopher Stevens; and then lied about it for weeks after the fact.

   There are three distinct phases to the Benghazi story;  The period leading up to the attack, the attack itself, and the post-attack cover-up.


   It is incumbent upon the President of the United States and Commander in Chief to protect all citizens of the the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.  That includes the security of our diplomatic corps around the world.  It is in the Oath of Office.  He swore that oath.  He violated that oath.  He should resign, immediately, or face impeachment.

   It always was, and still is, HIS responsibility.  His job doesn't require playing 107 rounds of golf, nor flying off to Florida to schmooze with 'The Pimp With a Limp', but it does require that he protect America from "All enemies, foreign and domestic".  He failed, miserably, in that regard.

   For the period leading up to the attack, Obama would have us believe that he had nothing to do with the security of the Benghazi Consulate, and that he was unaware of any actionable intelligence indicating a need for increased security.  These are two bald-faced lies.

LIE #1:  He had nothing to do with the security of the consulate in Benghazi.

   Obama has stated that the security for the diplomatic corps is handled by 'security professionals' within the State Department.

   Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, ordered increased security for the Libya mission prior to the attack, but Obama said, 'No!'

   This was avowed by Ed Klein during an appearance on the 'Wilkow!' show on BlazeTV.  He was provided this information by Hillary Clinton's legal council.  This was taken from an article published October 26, 2012 on '' by Christopher Collins.  Retrieved October 26, 2012 from:

LIE #2:  He was unaware of any shortcomings in security at Benghazi

   It was September 11th for heaven's sake!  Larry, Curly, or Moe could have figured it out.  There needed to be reinforcements, at least for the day.  Why wouldn't any prudent leader err on the side of caution?

   In addition to the clear notice provided by Secretary of State Clinton, there were several other warnings prior to the September 11th attack.

   There were two prior and recent terrorist attacks on the Benghazi Consulate.  One of those attacks involved a powerful IED (Improvised Explosive Device) that breached the inadequately fortified exterior security wall.  This would have certainly been a topic for discussion in the President's Daily Brief.

   There were a multitude of emails and diplomatic cables from Ambassador Stevens himself requesting additional security, opining the reduction in security, and warning of increased threats from known al Qaeda affiliated Jihadi terrorist groups.  His fears were palpable in those messages.  This information too would be included in any adequate PDB.

   All other nations abandoned the regions, as did even the Red Cross, out of rational concerns for safety.

   The compound itself was in direct violation of minimal security standards.  That was known, and likely that a waiver would have required the approval of the President.

   The Libyan military warned the U.S. three days prior to the attack of the forthcoming dangers.  This was reported widely;  the story even carried on CNN and NPR.  This, most certainly, would have been a topic of discussion in the President's Daily Brief.

   Because he missed so many PDB meetings, (62% of them in 2012), IF he didn't get the information, it could only be because Obama was not engaged as Commander in Chief.  That he, and 'Laughing-Joe' Biden, continue to contend that they did not know that security of the Benghazi Consulate was inadequate is patently false, and disconcerting to all Americans who rely on the President of the United States to defend us from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

   That he missed EVERY single PDB meeting in the week leading up to the attack (9/06 - 9/13) could account for him not getting the memo from the Libyan military that came three days prior to the attack.  (while he was taping a radio show with 'The Pimp With a Limp' in Florida).  I believe that it begs the question;  What other important security intelligence information did Obama miss during that full week of dereliction of duty?


LIE #3:  "Every piece of information we got, we laid out for the American people, as we got it."

   This is one lie, with multiple instances.

   We KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that news of the attack on the Benghazi Consulate was reaching the White House Situation Room in real time...  that is, as it occurred.  Emails from the State Department were sent at the outset of the attack to over 300 different recipients, including the White House.  Additionally, there was live video streaming from the Benghazi Consulate that was being watched in real time.  This video was seen at the CIA compound in Libya and should have been available to the President, in the White House Situation Room, for viewing in real time as well.

   It was painfully clear at that time that this was NOT the work of a disgruntled protest crowd that never actually existed.  It was obviously a well orchestrated attack by terrorists wielding AK-47 machine guns, Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs), and military grade Mortars.  Blaming the misinformation on the CIA, the Military, and the National Intelligence was another string of insidious lies.

   Although security at and around the compound was woefully inadequate, there were military assets within the region that could have been brought to bear.  Among them were F-16s as well as AC-130 Spectre Gunships, which are designed specifically to handle just these types of situations.  In fact, because it was reported, at the time, that he mortar firing sites were being lazed as targets, by our own personnel, the AC-130 Spectre Gunship would have been ideal to quell the assaults.  It was affirmed by military personnel that an AC-130 Spectre could have been over Benghazi within two hours.  It was seven hours after the attack began, and the first requests for help were made, that Glen Doherty and Ty Woods were ultimately killed by incoming mortar rounds, as they valiantly continued to fend off the enemy and protect the people in the compound, armed with just machine guns.

Firepower of an AC-130 Spectre Gunship - The small black bumps at the bottom of the picture are trees.

   However, requests for backup were denied... multiple times, despite the panicked pleas from the personnel on the ground there.  Ty Woods and Glen Doherty requested permission to travel from the CIA compound to the Benghazi Consulate, approximately a mile away, to provide support, but were told to 'Stand Down'.   Sometime after the second refusal by the President (the only person there with the authority to make such calls) they decided to risk their careers, and their very lives, to disobey the absolutely absurd order and rushed to the consulate anyway.  They ended up saving over 30 people, but were too late to save Sean Smith or Ambassador Stevens.

   Obama's response to this foreseeable disaster was abysmal and shameful.  As he stood by and watched these brave heroes murdered as they struggled for over seven hours to fend off an organized terrorist offensive, Barak Obama essentially handcuffed the military and prevented the rescue of these brave, former Navy Seals.  The bungling of this situation is inexcusable and unforgivable.

   He has not yet released this information to the public and it happened nearly two months ago.  It is another lie that he is perpetuating.

   He has yet to admit that Hillary Clinton ordered increased security in Benghazi, but thanks to a well planned leak by her legal representation, we have that information.  Obama is still furthering this lie.  It will annihilate the Obama campaign, if and when it gets traction from the main stream media.  But don't count on them; they only tell you what they want you to know.


LIE #4:  It was a demonstration that got out of hand because of a video

   This is another example of one lie that was told multiple times.  Of course, later, the Obama spin machine denied they ever told the lie in the first place.  Then it became a lie about a lie.  Hard to keep score with so many lies flying around.  But Obama continues to lie, even in the face of televised evidence of multiple instances.

   On the morning following the attack, Barak Obama made what appeared to be an obligatory speech in the Rose Garden, on his way out the door, to collect some campaign cash in Las Vegas.  At that time he mentioned the phrase, 'terrorist attack', but apparently only marginally connected to the events from the previous night.  When he got back from Las Vegas, the spin-cycle began in earnest.  Then the lie became that the attack was the result of a mystical demonstration gone bad;  NOT a foreseeable attack by a Jihadi Terrorist group affiliated with al Qaeda.  The truth would look bad, and cost Obama some votes.  So, a convoluted cover story was concocted.

   If it got out that Obama knew Hillary ordered additional security for the consulate prior to the attack, and that he turned it down, it would be political suicide.  So the new campaign strategy was to obfuscate and muddle, flummox and befuddle, and to shuck and jive.  Obama devised what apparently he stupidly believed was a story that would cover his ass.

   He tried to claim that the attack was the result of some obscure, Internet video that nobody had seen and had been posted several months prior to the attack.  He tried assiduously, but in vain, for approximately two weeks to foist that far-fetched story on the American public, but got exposed as a liar in the process and had to retrace his steps.  He looked really bad in doing so.

   His lies were, and still are, disgraceful.  And then, he lied about ever telling the lies in the first place.  He and his minions are caught on video recordings lying... on both sides of the coin.  He appears to be an incorrigible, pathological liar.  It seems that the entire Obama campaign got its proverbial mammary glands caught in the wringer.

   When, and if, the main stream media picks up on this information and the facts get to the American public, Barak Obama will be exiled and his legacy shall be relegated to the trash heap of infamy, where it belongs.

   Obama lied... and people died!  He still hasn't come clean that he knew it was a Jihadi terrorist attack within the first two hours, even though he was actively turning down requests for rescue support at the time and had to have known.  And yet, for two weeks he tried to blame it on an imaginary, spontaneous protest, even to the point of sending the current Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, out to five highly rated Sunday television news shows with his well orchestrated talking points.  There is no doubt that those talking points she repeated, time and time again, as well as the instructions to deliver them on national television came directly from Barak Obama.  They were bald-faced lies, in direct contradiction to the facts known to him at the time.

   For two long weeks subsequent to Obama's return from Las Vegas, the political spin machine muddled the waters as best it could, attempting to hide the foreknowledge and concomitant lack of action on the part of the President.

   David Axelrod confirmed the Obama campaign's politicization of the Bungle in Benghazi by his involvement in the fray.  He made several television appearances trying to obfuscate the obvious truth; but he ended up looking much like a pathetic caricature of Floyd, the barber, from Mayberry RFD, stuttering, stammering, hemming and hawing;  obviously flustered by the difficulty of lying his way out of the debacle he's found the Obama campaign mired in.

LIE #5:  'No actionable intelligence'

   For two weeks, Obama & Co. (Obama, Laughing-Joe Biden, Jay Carney, David Axelrod, et al) continued to assert that they had no 'actionable intelligence' that it was a terrorist attack.  Do we ask 'How stupid do they think we are?' or 'How stupid are they?'  I'll opt for the latter, but it occurs to me that maybe I misheard them, and they were actually say they had no actual intelligence.  That might make sense in a different context.

   Jay Carney, the President's Press Secretary (liar for hire), willfully lied repeatedly, steadfastly claiming that the attack was the result of a demonstration that went bad, even in the face of hard evidence exposing him as a liar.  Once he did his '180', he vehemently denied ever having said that it was ever anything but a terrorist attack.  How does he sleep at night?

   No U.S. President, not even Jimmy Carter, has ever disgraced himself as badly as Barak Obama, as he lamely tried to conceal the truth and defend the idiotic decision to withhold information regarding his denial of security to the Benghazi Consulate prior to the attack;  then exacerbating the problem by refusing to send in military rescue assistance to the Ambassador and his people as they were being brutally murdered;  and finally, for the truly monumental stupidity in the lame attempt to lie his way out of it.

   Barak Obama is in way over his head.  The blood of Ty Woods, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Ambassador Christopher Stevens is on his hands.  His actions are disgraceful and he is in no way qualified to serve as President of the United States. He should resign as soon as possible.

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