There is one, clear, politically devastating, rationale for the lame
cover up of the bungle in Benghazi. That is, President Obama has been,
and was, egregiously remiss in executing his responsibilities as Commander in
Chief and simply is scared to death that the truth will cost him the
presidency... and it will.
America spends $60+ Billion a year on intelligence. The Director of National Intelligence is required to prepare and present a report that he delivers in person to the President of the United States, six days a week. That essential report is known as the President's Daily Brief, or PDB. This meeting is critical intelligence that is meant to keep the President of the United States apprised and up to date, on a DAILY basis, with respect to subjects of sensitive international issues and matters of national security.
It is incumbent upon the President of the United States to maintain the highest level of intelligence in order to keep America, and its people safe. Thus, he needs to attend every PDB possible, just as every president before Barak Obama has done since the inception of the program.
But, Obama missed EVERY intelligence briefing (PDB) in the six days leading up to the terrorist attack on the consulate in Benghazi, and for days following! (from 9/6 through 9/13). That is tantamount to a sentry being caught asleep or away from his post; being AWOL; derelict of duty; It is egregious MALFEASANCE!
Obama was too busy with 'The Pimp With a Limp' to pay attention to national security. His priorities are way out of order. $60+ Billion and untold man-hours were wasted because this President was arrogant, and/or lazy, and thought that paying attention to daily intelligence briefings were beneath him.
Libya warned the U.S. three days before the attack. As widely reported, there were many other warnings, including several from Ambassador Stevens, himself.
If Barak Obama had been doing his job, he would have 'got the memo' and Ty Wood, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Ambassador Christopher Stevens would not have been brutally murdered at the hands of jihadist terrorists.
He can claim that he didn't have 'actionable intelligence' that would have served as a warning, but in fact, the information was there in the intelligence community. He 'missed the memo' because he chose to abrogate his responsibility as Commander in Chief.
This incident caught the sitting President asleep at his post and the consequences were dire. It is what is called an EPIC FAIL! His actions prior to, and since the attack are inexcusable and unforgivable.
It is his own malfeasance that he is desperate to cover up. Now, Obama is flat out lying to the entire nation and the whole world views him as just another 'Baghdad Bob'.
For 2012, his record of attendance of PDB meetings is only 38%. That should not be tolerated. He is putting ALL of America at risk by his lackadaisical attitude towards the responsibilities of the office. We are in danger as long as he is President of the United States.
What follows is indisputable PROOF, taken directly from the White House Schedule for the President records.
Obama missed ALL daily intelligence briefings (PDB) for the six days leading up to the attack on the Benghazi consulate, AND, for two days following. See for yourself:
America spends $60+ Billion a year on intelligence. The Director of National Intelligence is required to prepare and present a report that he delivers in person to the President of the United States, six days a week. That essential report is known as the President's Daily Brief, or PDB. This meeting is critical intelligence that is meant to keep the President of the United States apprised and up to date, on a DAILY basis, with respect to subjects of sensitive international issues and matters of national security.
It is incumbent upon the President of the United States to maintain the highest level of intelligence in order to keep America, and its people safe. Thus, he needs to attend every PDB possible, just as every president before Barak Obama has done since the inception of the program.
But, Obama missed EVERY intelligence briefing (PDB) in the six days leading up to the terrorist attack on the consulate in Benghazi, and for days following! (from 9/6 through 9/13). That is tantamount to a sentry being caught asleep or away from his post; being AWOL; derelict of duty; It is egregious MALFEASANCE!
Obama was too busy with 'The Pimp With a Limp' to pay attention to national security. His priorities are way out of order. $60+ Billion and untold man-hours were wasted because this President was arrogant, and/or lazy, and thought that paying attention to daily intelligence briefings were beneath him.
Libya warned the U.S. three days before the attack. As widely reported, there were many other warnings, including several from Ambassador Stevens, himself.
If Barak Obama had been doing his job, he would have 'got the memo' and Ty Wood, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Ambassador Christopher Stevens would not have been brutally murdered at the hands of jihadist terrorists.
He can claim that he didn't have 'actionable intelligence' that would have served as a warning, but in fact, the information was there in the intelligence community. He 'missed the memo' because he chose to abrogate his responsibility as Commander in Chief.
This incident caught the sitting President asleep at his post and the consequences were dire. It is what is called an EPIC FAIL! His actions prior to, and since the attack are inexcusable and unforgivable.
It is his own malfeasance that he is desperate to cover up. Now, Obama is flat out lying to the entire nation and the whole world views him as just another 'Baghdad Bob'.
For 2012, his record of attendance of PDB meetings is only 38%. That should not be tolerated. He is putting ALL of America at risk by his lackadaisical attitude towards the responsibilities of the office. We are in danger as long as he is President of the United States.
What follows is indisputable PROOF, taken directly from the White House Schedule for the President records.
Obama missed ALL daily intelligence briefings (PDB) for the six days leading up to the attack on the Benghazi consulate, AND, for two days following. See for yourself:
Obama has missed 62% of his PDB meetings in 2012!
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